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⭐️Hey there, self-employed massage therapists & bodyworkers...

Ready to ignite a powerful chain reaction of client loyalty and consistent bookings? You can achieve steady monthly income by using the principles in Massage Memberships Made Easy!

Stop killing yourself to make money.

Unlock the secrets to growing your massage client base without sacrificing your sanity.

You've probably suspected,
like most independent massage therapists,

that there MUST be a better way to make a living,

to stop hustling and taking clients 24/7.

Seriously, working on clients 6-7 days a week is not going to give you the life you want. 

It’s simply not sustainable.

Have you felt:

Stress? Mmmhmm. 

Uncertainty? You bet. 

Financial stability? No?

It IS possible. Pinky promise.

That's the best way to be.

If you WANT to
✔️see your good clients more

stop stressing about the almighty dollar, and

✔️live your life freer from financial ups and downs

then keep reading.

Create a reliable revenue stream

Are you a massage therapist who is awesome at your craft but can't understand business to save your life?

Do you want to make more money as a bodyworker but don’t know how?

I'm here to tell you that it's not only possible but EASY when you understand what to do.

Unlock the secrets to creating a massage membership that moves your business into autopilot.

You can:

  • Learn how to turn inconsistent clients into loyal members

  • Understand the factors you must take into account that will bring in recurring income month after month.

  • Discover how to create an irresistible offer that will have people signing up for your massage therapy membership, bringing in more recurring income than ever before!

  • Obtain the secret to offering discounts, add-ons, or incentives that will keep your members coming back for more

  • Uncover mistakes you need to avoid when creating a massage membership program, or risk banging your head against a wall in frustration. .

Your massage school failed you.

At best, they probably didn’t tell you everything you need to know.

Your school taught you what you needed to know in order to pass your exams, but they probably failed you at business.

Massage instructors usually don’t teach squat about business or current marketing trends. You probably learned some outdated information.

    How do I know?

    My school did a great job at teaching us the basics of business.

    But they also taught us to put tri-fold brochures on cars in parking lots of the local grocery!  

    Can you even imagine? Just...yuck. To say I’ve been frustrated too is an understatemen.t

    Does this sound familiar?

    Clients love you but don't rebook as often as you'd like. 

    You forget (or are scared) to ask them when they'd like to come back next. 

    Your bookings diminish, you freak out that you’re going to have to get a “real” job. Someone has to talk you off a ledge.There’s a better way, a ridiculously easy one, too.

    The overnight success that took 15 years

    I'd been studying for over a year how to create an online membership for members of the CE company I co-owned.

    It’s kind of embarrassing, but it took me a VERY long time to have a lightbulb moment-the kind that smacks you upside the head and wonder why on Earth you didn't think of this before.

    Then...WHAP! One day I realized I could take the principles I'd discovered and apply them in a different way to create a new model for my massage business.

You can be steadily booked with a massage membership.

With a massage membership, clients who who you may see very irregularly come back every month. 

Problem solved.

They feel better, it's easier for you to work out those tissue issues, and you know you have a certain amount of money coming in each month (in addition to your "regular" clients).

Start Learning

The shocking surprise

Honestly, I wasn’t sure a membership would work for me.

I’d been doing massage for almost 20 years but didn’t know if a solo practitioner could create a successful massage subscription plan.

When I implemented this, here are the crazy results:

Almost everyone upgraded to a 90 minute session.

For the first 11 months of my membership, ALL clients stayed in the membership.

In the online membership world, this is known as 100% retention rate.

And it's practically unheard of.

Did I do anything special?

The obvious, of course, was that I provided excellent massage to them each time they came in.

The massage table is warm and comfy.

Music is to their liking. I'm prompt and send them reminders.

They can have recurring appointments:
Same Day, Same Time, Same Bat 🦇 Channel.

You're probably already doing much of this.

But I didn't do anything new or fancy. No extra luxuries that they hadn't come to know already.

And you can do this too!

What's involved?
Where the heck do you start?
What do I need to think of?

Are memberships better than packages?

What's the difference?

As I worked with a few other massage therapists, I realized I could develop a program for those of us who are freaking awesome massage therapists, but not-so-good "mathy" people.

What will YOUR SUCCES$ look like?

It might be something like mine.*

(Skip to the next section if you’re overwhelmed by numbers)

In January of 2019, 16 people joined my membership at $75/month.They all stayed for 11 months.

That's $1200/month for 11 months = $13,200.

One month of 15 people at $75/month = $1125.
$13,200+ 1,125 ↯
$14,325 ADDITIONAL income the 1st year.

Add all the upgrades to a 90 minute + tips?

Well over $20,000 ADDITIONAL INCOME from previously random clients!

*Remember, I'm a massage therapist, not an accountant. Results may not be typical.

"I loved Mary-Claire’s training on massage memberships. I am more steadily booked now. Mary-Claire has thought of everything! I’ve successfully used her massage membership program in my business with great success. The done-for-you emails are so helpful. I would recommend this program to anyone."

Rachel O'Connor, Massage Livingston

Rachel O'Connor

Massage Livingston

How you can do this too

With Massage Memberships Made Easy, you’ll learn to implement everything you need to know to
build your own membership.

massage client retention strategies

Recurring income

Create and maximize recurring income from the clients who already love your skills!

learn massage business

Short & sweet

Most lessons are under 10 minutes, so
you can watch them in between clients!

bodyworker business growth

Created for YOU

Easy to implement massage membership,
built how YOU want it.

grow your massage business


Easy to follow how-to's for even the most
untechy bodyworkers.

And top notch support when you
DO need help.

how to build a massage business you love

Membership your clients want

Craft compelling membership offers to maximize your services for maximum profit.

organize your massage business practice

Life made easier

Pre-written content to send your clients the perfect messages. 

And we've even got a member tracking system!

All this and more for just $497

Get Started

Cha ching, cha ching.

Can it work for you too?

Wonder if the cost is worth it?

If you only have 2 new monthly at $80/month for a year, that's $1960 in additional income.
With just these 2 clients, you're already at a profit of $1423.

It's kind of a no-brainer, but if you're wondering...
it's a tax deductible investment!*

*Massage coach here, not a tax wizard!
While I can work out your business knots, please consult a qualified pro for tax advice.

This course equips talented massage therapists like YOU with tools to boost income & client loyalty.

My story: in the 1st year of my membership program, I generated over $20,000 in additional income for my practice.

That's with just 16 loyal clients receiving monthly massage therapy while I enjoyed the security of predictable monthly revenue. 

You may not get the same results as I did, but you would only need 1 hour-long member per month for 6 months to make more than enough to pay for the course! Just follow the framework I provide and start increasing your income faster.

For less than the price of a McDonald’s drink per day, you can create consistency in your revenue.

Easy, effective, and 100% guaranteed

If you put in the effort and follow our program, you can achieve success with your membership.That's why we offer this guarantee - if you complete our course and implement it within 8 weeks but don't see results, we'll offer a full refund to you.

Top notch bonuses!

Join our program today and receive exclusive bonuses.
(It's true!)

    learn massage business skills

    6 weekly recorded Q & A sessions
    (value: $600)

    grow your massage practice

    48-hour business day response time answering course questions for a full six weeks ($500)

    massage therapist coaching

    Access to an online and ready-to-print member tracking systems ( $190)

    massage therapist free marketing

    15 pre-written emails to send to your clients

    how can I grow my massage business?

    7 social media announcements-
    "Membership is coming!" "Save the Date!" & more

Additional value with just the bonuses: $3147
TOTAL VALUE with course & bonuses: 

Say goodbye to the stress

of building a massage business and hello to the joy of a consistent income stream with our
Massage Memberships Made Easy course!

Don't miss out on this opportunity to grow your peace of mind along with your income!

Click here ↯ and let's get starting increasing your income!

I'm Mary-Claire Fredette.

Mary-Claire Fredette, massage business coach

Over a quarter century (!) in the massage field has taught me many lessons. You win or learn, right?

I’ve experienced the feast & famine of what can be a fickle massage business.

Some weeks your business rocks, and others, it’s crickets. It makes it hard to pay the bills.

But then I discovered something that would change that trajectory…

a VERY specific type of business model that keeps my clientele base steadier than it ever has been.

A Massage Membership.

Massage therapists are creative. Are you tech challenged?

 I’ve made this course easy to implement with a step-by-step process.

You can’t stay in business if you don’t make enough money. 

Your clients love you and want you to keep working, right? We need good massage therapists who share their talents with the world.

You deserve to enjoy life without the daily hassle of marketing. Let me show you how!


  • You're an action taker.

  • You are willing to learn even when it's outside your comfort zone (that's where the magic happens!)

  • You can't wait to offer a new way for your clients to visit more regularly.

  • You are always willing to learn to serve your clients better.

Who is this training NOT for?

  • You don't believe 100% that you CAN succeed in your massage career.

  • You can't be bothered to learn new business skills if ce's aren't needed.

  • You're not ready to spend a little $ to invest in your business.

  • You're a therapist who would rather use "Hope Marketing" (hoping that the right people will show up).

Create consistent cash flow 

Massage Memberships Made Easy will be available soon! Make sure you're on our list so we can let you know ASAP when you can start earning reliable income.

    What you'll learn






    What you get



  • PRE-WRITTEN EMAILS to sell your massage membership to your clients



terms & conditions of course: 

massage memberships made easy 

Just in case some weird gravitational pull or aliens 👽 suck out your common sense, please play nice.

This means that you’ll keep your credentials private and won’t share the information contained in this course. This includes email scripts, downloads, launch plans, videos, bonuses and everything else contained within this course. You will have forever access to this version of the course as long as you stay cool.


How do I get my content?

You will have full access to the course within a few minutes. If you don’t see an email within about 10 minutes, please check your junk/spam/promotions folder. Last resort: email tech support! [email protected]

You will have access to the entire course-6 modules, all the lessons, downloads (and more) right away.

What happens if I can’t get started right away?

No worries! You have full access to this version of the course for as long as the internet lives. Watch the videos and do the work on your own time frame.

Can I get extra help?

Right now, we’ll be providing support via both email and video response.

Mary-Claire will answer questions submitted each week for 6 weeks in a video that everyone who has purchased the course can see.

How long should I spend learning each week?

Absorbing the content itself won’t take long. Most of the video lessons are conveniently short, so you can watch them during clients or on your lunch break! Where you’ll want to plan time is in creating your policies, the tech (don’t worry-we’ll show you how!), reviewing/modifying emails, etc.

You can go through the content all in one day if you want or take as much time as you need!

I am a tech disaster. What do I need to be able to do?

We get it! Mary-Claire’s not so hot with it either. 😉 Here’s the good thing about our Massage Memberships Made Easy course…you do what you can do. We’ve provided easy step-by-step processes for anything that requires tech. Try not to get overwhelmed. Breathe. And just do what YOU can do.

We are exploring the idea of extra tech help on a paid, case-by-case basis. Let us know if you are interested.  Email [email protected]

Can I share the course with someone?

Nope! Each person needs to have purchased their own course. 

Sharing your login, downloads, videos, etc. would result in our canceling out your ability to use the course.

Why would I see an "oops" page?

The “oops” page will show up if you’re trying to access content that has not yet been released or you have not yet purchased.

How long do I have access to the materials?

You’ll have access to the materials as long as you’re a member in good standing.

I still have questions...

Contact Mary-Claire @ [email protected]

What will your membership journey look like? 
Take a peek!⤵

Massage membership success path

What Massage Therapists Are Saying...

“I can't say enough good things about my favorite mentor, Mary-Claire."

Kristy Poux

The Silk Mill Retreat

“Oh my goodness! She's so personable, so makes you instantly feel comfortable!”

Melly Spohr

California Medical Massage

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